“We’re doing this job for you—ensuring our results are visible to both of us enables us to optimize your return on investment.”

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A check mark in a circle on a white background.

Easy and Simple To Use

A check mark in a circle on a white background.

Real Time Tracking of Calls and Conversions

A check mark in a circle on a white background.

Keep Track of What Works Best For You

To ensure you receive the best value from your marketing investment, we need to know exactly how each marketing action performs. Which direct mail pieces were the most effective? Which mailing list should we use again next month and which one should we skip? Which online ads had the phone ringing off the hook? When we can analyze your results precisely, we can guide your expansion and future investment very wisely.

But tracking the number of calls is only a small part of the job. Our tracking is comprehensive because we not only note the arrival of the call, we are also able to help you see what happened to that call once it came in. For you to benefit from these leads, your phone must be answered in a friendly manner and your staff must effectively convert leads to new patients. If any step in this conversion process is missing, you need to know. With our comprehensive tracking system, we can direct you to the exact points that may need correction.

Not Convinced Yet?

We can even provide you with an easy-to-use dashboard that provides real-time tracking of calls and conversions so you can see the results of a mailer, ad, online campaign or other marketing action day by day. This system even allows us to analyze if you are getting the right kind of patients—ones that need and want the services you want to deliver.

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