Xpress Promotion • Apr 17, 2015

Building a Million Dollar Practice:The Secret to Getting New Patients – Part IIHow to Make the Phone Ring

If you own a dental practice you well know the frustration that accompanies trying to successfully procure new patients. Despite numerous efforts in marketing and promotion, the concrete solution to the problem seems to elude you at every turn. You move right, new patients move left. You move left, new patients move right. It’s like a never-ending game of chess.

Really this is a problem of business in general, not just something that affects dentists. As a business owner the #1 problem you’re trying to solve is: How do I get new customers?

Well, what if there were easy solutions to this problem? What if there were simple proven methods you could apply that would result in new patients consistently arriving at your door for service? And how about actually seeing a substantial Return On Investment instead of watching money disappear down the drain? It may seem like I’m leading you on but I’m not.

All of this and more was covered in the March 11, 2015 seminar delivered by Shawn Kimmel, CEO of Xpress Promotion, a dental marketing company located in Northern Virginia. Xpress Promotion specializes in dental marketing – you name it, they’ve done it.

The Key to Successful Marketing: Goal-Orientation

The idea behind the seminar was to have those dentists and office management staff e set a goal for their marketing and to systematically break down exactly how they were going to attain it. Many businesses fail because of lack of goal-orientation, business marketing fails for the same reason… and so does Dental Marketing! If you haven’t worked out what you want to achieve it’s near-impossible to work out the steps to move forward and evolve a successful dental marketing campaign.

Imagine a game where there were no defined goals. Take Football for example, if you remove the End Zone, how would anybody ever actually achieve anything in that game? It would be a bunch of guys just knocking into each other and getting beaten to hell with no accomplishments to show for it- it’d be Rugby in other words, and who would watch that? The solution to this chaos is to put the End Zone (goal) back in and then when they knock into each other and beat each other up at least it’s for a real reason- and that is much more interesting!

Well, the same goes for your dental marketing. If you have clearly defined your marketing goals you can then work out a concrete plan to achieve what you want.

The Secret to Getting New Patients – How To Make The Phone Ring

Shawn introduced the seminar with a topic that put everybody in attendance on the edge of their seat- How To Make The Phone Ring? For the next hour and half they listened intently as he discussed the ins and outs of successful dental marketing. After all, that’s what you’re trying to do in your dental marketing – get prospective new patients to reach towards you either by calling, e-mailing or simply walking in.

Important points covered:

    – The #1 problem dentists face in their marketing

    – The key points all successful marketing campaigns must contain

    – Why marketing campaigns fail

    – What you can do about it

    – What you need to do to make your marketing a continued success

Shawn covered it all in great detail from social media marketing to internet ads, postcard mailings, lead generation, the difference between “promotion” and “marketing,” how to properly use surveys and all other aspects of a proper dental marketing funnel.

The seminar take-home kit included everything they needed to create and lay out their own marketing campaigns. Needless to say, attendants walked out armed with information to kick start their own successful marketing campaigns, or resurrect the old ones that had failed. And if needed to help get started Shawn offered Dental Marketing consultations from Xpress Promotion.

Now, lucky for you, we have videos of the seminar that we’ll be posting here very soon. So, stay tuned- you’re not going to want to miss it!

Marketing Meeting
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